
Westminster Theological Seminary

Covenantal Apologetics

Study Key Issues in Apologetics and Its Relationship with Christian Doctrine

Curated from a lecture series by K. Scott Oliphint
In partnership with Westminster Theological Seminary

The History and Nature of Apologetics

Foundational Reflections on the Field of Apologetics

Curated from a lecture series by Cornelius Van Til
In partnership with Westminster Theological Seminary

Ethics and the Medical Profession

A Treatment of Key Vocational and Ethical Issues Related to Medical Practitioners

Curated from a lecture series by Dr. William Edgar
In partnership with Westminster Theological Seminary

The Medieval Church

A Detailed Exploration of the Theology and Philosophy of Major Thinkers in the Medieval Church

Curated from a lecture series by Carl Trueman
In partnership with Westminster Theological Seminary

Doctrine of Salvation
Curated from a lecture series by Richard B. Gaffin
In partnership with Westminster Theological Seminary

The Authority of Scripture

Learn about the Bible's Authority and Inerrancy in Lectures That Cover Archaeology, Miracles, Prophecy, and More

Curated from a lecture series by E. J. Young
In partnership with Westminster Theological Seminary

New Testament Biblical Theology

An Overview of the New Testament as the Inauguration of the Latter-Day New Creation and Kingdom Anticipated in the Old Testament

Curated from a lecture series by Gregory K. Beale
In partnership with Westminster Theological Seminary

New Testament for Ministry

Guiding Students to Apply the New Testament in Its Redemptive and Historical Context to Specific Ministry Contexts

Curated from a lecture series by Brandon Crowe
In partnership with Westminster Theological Seminary

Parables and Miracles

Methods for Interpreting and Applying the Miracles and Parables of Christ

Curated from a lecture series by Vern Poythress
In partnership with Westminster Theological Seminary

Study Galatians

Detailed Insights into the Interpretation of the Book of Galatians with Particular Attention to Principles of Hermeneutics

Curated from a lecture series by Moisés Silva
In partnership with Westminster Theological Seminary

Theology of Hebrews

Explore Key Theological Emphases of the Book of Hebrews

Curated from a lecture series by Richard Gaffin
In partnership with Westminster Theological Seminary

Urban Evangelism

Exploring the Reasons for, Methods of, and Examples of Evangelism in an Urban Context

Curated from a lecture series by Manuel Ortiz
In partnership with Westminster Theological Seminary

Theology of Urban Mission

The Biblical Theology and Current Theological and Practical Challenges in Urban Mission

Curated from a lecture series by Edmund Clowney
In partnership with Westminster Theological Seminary