I don’t know about you, but the importance of worship music in my life has become only more pronounced in recent weeks. Not only does worship music provide comfort and healthy theological orientation in these surreal and scary times, but it also reminds us never again to take for granted the beauty of corporate singing in churches. While sermons, small groups, and other aspects of church can be somewhat replicated online, singing hymns and worship songs together cannot. And I miss it.
But as we wait for the glorious days when we can gather again and sing God’s praises in embodied community, we can at least catch glimpses of it through playlists, livestreamed hymn sings, and YouTube videos. Here are a few of the worship videos I’ve found most comforting in recent days. I hope these 25 selections—including old hymns, contemporary stadium anthems, even a little Bach—will be a comfort to you, too.
“All Creatures of Our God and King,” All Sons & Daughters
“Be Thou My Vision,” Celtic Worship
“Be Ye Glad,” Bob Kauflin and McKenzie Fuller
“Crown Him,” Norton Hall Band
“Doxology,” Ben Rector
“Father, Let Your Kingdom Come,” The Porter’s Gate
“Good Grace (Live from Passion 2020),” Hillsong UNITED
“Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Live from TGCW18),” Austin Stone Worship