Bryan Chapell on a Time in Ministry When God Demonstrated His Faithfulness

Every pastor confronts his own weakness during his ministry. Answer the call to shepherd his sheep, and it won’t take long before you realize your limitations are prime opportunities for God to demonstrate his remarkable faithfulness. This is the wonderful reality to which God’s gospel and those who proclaim it testify.

In this new five-minute video, Bryan Chapell (TGC council member and senior pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, Illinois) shares about a season early in his own ministry when he experienced the faithfulness of God, even in the face of his own weakness. Chapell tells about his days as a fresh seminary grad trying to lead many in his church through a particularly challenging season. “I had no concept of how difficult pastoring a church would be,” he recalls. Watch above to hear how God used the writings of Sidney Greidanus and Chapell’s own sense of failure to grow him and his congregation in the sufficiency of God’s grace in the gospel. 

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