Remember Your Joy: A Free TGCW22 Playlist

The Gospel Coalition’s 2022 Women’s Conference is set for June 16 to 18, both in Indianapolis and online. The theme of TGCW22 is “Remember Your Joy: Salvation Stories in the Old Testament,” and keynote speakers will consider how seven Old Testament stories point to our greater salvation in Christ—and lead us to greater joy.

We created a free playlist to accompany the conference, with 100 songs inspired by the theme and structured around the specific aspects of salvation that will be explored in the keynote talks.

You can stream the playlist on Spotify or on Apple Music right now.

If you’re attending TGCW22, we hope this playlist enhances your experience as you meditate on the gospel and our great salvation in Christ. Beyond the conference, we hope this collection of songs is a blessing to you—and anyone who comes across it—pointing us all to Jesus and leading us to greater joy.

TGCW22 Playlist Songs

1. Intro / Call to Worship

2. Noah and the Ark: Salvation Is Needed (Gen. 6:5–8:19)

3. Ram in the Thicket: Salvation Is Substitutionary (Gen. 22:1–19)

4. Water from the Rock: Salvation Is Life (Ex. 17:1–7)

5. Serpent on the Pole: Salvation Is Gracious (Num. 21:4–9)

6. Scarlet Cord: Salvation Is for All People (Josh. 2:1–24)

7. Sling and Stones: Salvation Is Won by Another (1 Sam. 17:1–54)

8. The King’s Table: Salvation Is an Invitation to a Feast (2 Sam. 9:1–13)

9. Outro / Doxology

Editors’ note: 

Caroline Cobb will participate in workshops on “Creativity, Art, and Our Christian Witness” and “Motherhood & Marriage: Balancing your Priorities,” at our 2022 Women’s Conference, June 16 to 18 in Indianapolis. You can browse the complete list of topics and speakers. Register soon!

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