Jesus Himself

The book is short (126 pages) and is by no means intended to be an exhaustive commentary. Rather it serves well as a devotional review of the resurrection. The chapters themselves are short and move quickly.

Some of the chapter titles are listed below:

Certain Women


The Fire of Coals

The Heart of Love

I enjoyed portions of the book where Loane was intentional in his exhortation and application. In particular the writer was helpful in the chapter entitled “The Heart of Love.” This was the chapter dealing with our Lord’s questioning of Peter’s love for him (Jn. 21.17ff). I would have liked to see him do this type of thing more throughout the book. For the stirring of affections to marvel translates in a life that is lived out of a response of seeing and being impressed with Jesus, to the glory of God.

This would be a great book for folks to read as a family or even in a small group to interact with the devotional commentary by Loane. If you are leading such a group (at home or in another setting) I would suggest writing up some application questions or points of exhortation.

Jesus Himself can be ordered via the Banner of Truth bookstore.

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