The Reading List for a PhD Seminar on the History of American Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism

This October I will be co-leading a PhD seminar at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary on the history of fundamentalism and evangelicalism. Nathan Finn, dean of the School of Theology and Missions and Professor of Christian Thought and Tradition at Union University, will be leading it with me. Nathan is the author of an excellent dissertation on the history of Baptist fundamentalism in the south (c. 1940–1980), and was on the doctoral committee for my own dissertation.

Below are the books and essays we will require for the seminar, along with the monographs and biographies that we will assign to various students, who will read and report on them to the rest of the class.

If you read through this and think, They really should have assigned this, or I would included much more of that—just know that we likely agree with you! There are so many good books to choose from, but choices must be made.

If you are a qualified student, I believe you can still sign up for the course.

Required Books

Required Essays 

Monographs (assigned to individual students, not the entire class)

Biographies (assigned to individual students, not the entire class)

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