A Harmony of the Birth of Jesus: Matthew and Luke

people traveling in a dessert

Here is a simple chronology to show how the events of Matthew 1–2 and Luke 1–2 fit together and what each of the gospel authors emphasize. Matthew tells things more through the eyes of Joseph and Luke (who perhaps interviewed Mary) tells the events largely through her eyes.

Matthew Luke
The genealogy of Jesus 1:1–17 3:23–38
Gabriel promises the birth of John to Zechariah 1:5–25
Gabriel promises the birth of Jesus to Mary 1:26–38
Mary visits Elizabeth 1:39–56
Elizabeth gives birth to John the Baptist 1:57–80
An angel appears to Joseph about Mary’s pregnancy 1:18–25
Mary gives birth to Jesus in Bethlehem 2:1–7
An angel tells shepherds about Jesus and they visit 2:8–20
Mary and Joseph bring 40-day-old Jesus to the temple 2:21–40
Magi arrive from eastern lands (Jesus aged 1–2?) 2:1–12
An angel tells Joseph to escape to Egypt with his family 2:13–18
An angel tells Joseph to return with his family to Nazareth 2:19–23


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