“God’s Own Fool,” by Michael Card

Russell Moore:

Proverbs, of course, focuses in on the issue of wisdom—but the New Testament reveals that walking in wisdom is more than simply making good decisions; instead, walking in wisdom means walking according to the One who is “the power of God and the wisdom of God,” Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 1:24b).

But the way of Jesus doesn’t look wise to the world. That’s paradox, and that’s mystery. And it’s the gospel.

In today’s episode of “The Cross and the Jukebox” I talk with my favorite singer-songwriter, Michael Card, about his song, “God’s Own Fool.” It’s a song that stays with me all the time, because it’s a song that indicts me in a lot of ways. It’s a song that’s changed me, and is constantly changing me; it’s a song that helped crucify my rationalism.

It’s true, as Mike sings: “The power of paradox opens your eyes, and blinds those who say they can see.”

You can listen here.

The music can be found on this album.

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