Reading the Puritans

The Puritans are worth reading. Many shy from reading these saints of the 16th and 17th centuries, because they assume that their writing will be too rigid, formal, and opaque. I know that it seems counterintuitive, but some of the most accessible works I have ever read are by Puritans (at least books worth reading). When directing people to the Puritans for the first time, I encourage them to read Thomas Watson. He is the “door to the Puritans” in my limited opinion. His ability to turn a phrase and paint pictures in the mind is second to none. As you enjoy Watson, he may just encourage you to pick up another Puritan work and read. And then a whole new world of writings is open to you for the betterment of your soul.

Banner of Truth’s Puritan Paperbacks provide an inexpensive option for reading broadly in the Puritans. Here are just a few quotes from one of Watson’s works, The Godly Man’s Picture, to whet your appetite:

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