Sneak Peek Interview: Hunter Beless’s New Children’s Book

I always like to know a little something about an author before I sit down to open up his or her book. Today, I’m excited to interview my friend Hunter Beless about her upcoming book, Read it, See it, Say it, Sing it: Knowing and Loving the Bible, releasing April 19th, 2022. This book is so exciting to me because it helps moms share their love of God’s Word with their children as they engage in it together. What a gift it is for our children to grow up with God’s Word hidden in their hearts!

If you pre-order the book today, you will receive 5 free videos of Hunter and her kids modeling the Scripture memory method described in the book! I love the way Hunter is so joyful as she teaches God’s Word to her children. Her delight is contagious—and our kids can learn so much about God by witnessing our affection for him. These fun, scripture memory videos are designed to offer additional support to families that may need a little extra help getting started. They are available to anyone who pre-orders the book before April 19, 2022.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m Hunter Beless, the happy wife of Brooks, my friend and confidant of the past decade. God has sustained us through eight years of military service, seven moves, and the birth of our three, beautiful children, Hadley (7), Davy (5), and Bo (3). I spend the bulk of my days homeschooling and learning alongside our kiddos, but in the fringe hours, I sneak into my closet to write and share conversations for the Journeywomen podcast. When I’m not homeschooling, writing, or podcasting, I love camping, hiking, and snuggling up with a good book.

When did you first start writing? What do you enjoy about it?

As a newly married couple, my husband left for an intense military training program called Ranger School. During that time, Brooks could only communicate via snail mail, so I started blogging to update our family and friends on his progress. Through that little blog, the Lord provided opportunities to write for other publications, which encouraged me to continue writing on the intersection of life and theology. Putting pen to paper has become an incredibly helpful tool as I seek to apply the truths of Scripture to my everyday life.

Is writing ever difficult for you? How so?

I often find myself paralyzed by perfectionism—grammatically, theologically, and artistically. When I feel that way, I ask myself, “What if it’s not only about getting things right, but about knowing, loving, and worshipping God through this process?” The Lord uses writing to help me know more of who he is and to grow in my ability to communicate truths from his Word. That makes the wrestle to worship him with the words I write well worth it!

By seeking God through his Word, the Spirit sanctifies us and brings a deeper understanding of and intimacy with God.

What led you to write Read it, See it, Say it, Sing it: Knowing and Loving the Bible?

As a mom who loves and recognizes the power of God’s Word, one of my main goals is to instill in my children a mutual love for their Bibles. Most Christian parents know the importance of teaching their children to read and study the Word, but devotionals and scripture memory often result in grumbling and complaining. It can fast become a chore, far from the delight that we envision.

This reality sparked a desire for a resource designed to equip parents to teach their children the importance of Bible intake and scripture memory in a fun way that kids enjoy and understand. What if we convinced our children of their need for God’s Word by encapsulating the truth in a memorable and entertaining way? Read it, See it, Say it, Sing it! does just that, enabling parents to teach their children the importance of God’s Word by using a catchy beat, truth filled rhymes, and a memorable method of review that the whole family can practice together.

What’s the central message you hope readers will take away from your book?

My prayer is that reading Read it, See it, Say it, Sing it! will help children and parents understand why the Bible is so vital to the Christian life. We want our kiddos to rehearse the truths of God’s Word because it helps them see Jesus, because it’s the only book that has the power to transform their hearts, because it helps them fight sin, because it comforts their hearts and reminds them of God’s promises, and because it will help them know and love God more. That’s my heart behind the book – to help both children and their caregivers understand why Scripture is so important to us, encouraging them to reach for it however they can, whenever they can.

How has writing this book affected your own life? 

Our study of God’s Word ought to lead to true, heart transformation and life change. Nobody has a clearer picture as to whether that’s true in my life than my own kids. Writing this book challenged me to read, see, and say the truths of God’s Word in a way that truly sings of the glory of God every day, just like Deuteronomy 6 describes—when we sit in our house, when we walk by the way, when we lie down, and when we rise—all the time!

After all, our physical and spiritual existence came into being by God’s Word, and we continue to be upheld by it today. When we’re immersed in it, we begin to think, act, and become more and more like Jesus. By seeking God through his Word, the Spirit sanctifies us and brings a deeper understanding of and intimacy with God. The God of the universe—who knows the number of hairs on our heads—speaks to us through His Word! There are truly no better words by which we seek to live.

We want our kiddos to rehearse the truths of God’s Word because it helps them see Jesus, because it’s the only book that has the power to transform their hearts

Here are some endorsements: 

“This delightful, imaginative, engaging book is one that children and those who read to them will enjoy hearing over and over.  And each time it is read the wonder and beauty of God’s Word will go deeper and deeper.” —Susan Hunt, former Coordinator of Women’s Ministries for the PCA and author of several books for women and children

“There can be no more important thing in a child’s life than for them to grow to know, understand, and love not only the Word of God but also the saving grace of the God of the Word. Read it, See it, Say it, Sing it! puts a tool in the parents’ hands that helps them encourage this in their children’s lives. I highly recommend this book to moms and dads who want to pass their love for God and His Word to another generation.” —Paul David Tripp, author of New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional and Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family

Read it, See it, Say it, Sing it! is a helpful reminder to all ages that we will grow when we rehearse the truth of God’s Word. This resource is a treasured gift for not only your children’s hearts and minds, but yours too!” —Ruth Chou Simons, Mom to 6 boys, founder of GraceLaced, and bestselling author

Hunter skillfully engages kids with a rhyme that sticks and gets them excited about the value of God’s Word. We can’t wait to read this with our own kids, using it as a tool to help them incorporate scripture in every part of life! In a world of filler words, kids need a rhyme like this in their heads and hearts.” —Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler, cofounders of Risen Motherhood

If you had an afternoon to do whatever you’d like, where would we find you?

Call me predictable, but I love nothing more than immersing myself in a good book, especially God’s Word. As a mom of three, young kiddos, I miss being able to sit and study the Bible for hours on end. If I had a chance to do whatever I wanted for an afternoon, it would certainly be to pull out my trusty ESV Study Bible, colored pencils, and a notebook, and to seek to know and love God more through his Word.

Hunter Beless is the founder and host of Journeywomen, the author of Read it, See it, Say it, Sing it: Knowing and Loving the Bible, and a homeschooling mama who loves doing ministry in her local church context. Hunter and her husband, Brooks, have three amazing kiddos who memorize Scripture way faster than their mama! When they’re not reading, seeing, saying, or singing the Bible, you can find the Beless family camping, riding bikes, or snuggling up with a good book.

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