A Prayer for Courage to Love Well

A Prayer for Courage to Love Well
Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. Proverbs 27:5-6 Lord Jesus, I need courage today for loving well in some sticky, I’d-just-rather-leave-them-alone situations. Sometimes the fear of making an even bigger mess makes it easier just to ignore certain people and issues. But Lord, that’s kind of like trying to avoid an already diagnosed broken bone or cancer. The matter will only get worse.
Your Word tells me that I live as an enemy of my friends when I multiply kisses but withhold life-giving-rebukes. I am an untrustworthy friend when I do not show up and risk a redemptive wounding. I bury my love under a pile of insecurity and peace-faking when I fail to deal with matters that must be dealt with. Have mercy on me Jesus. Grant me the grace, words and courage that I need.
Jesus, I bring my fear of man to you, which I know to be a snare. I confess it as sin and repent. I also acknowledge that I need the power of the gospel for change. Jesus, it’s because you clearly revealed my need of your grace that I now rest is your love. It’s because of your open rebuke that my life is now hidden safely in you. It’s because you cared enough to confront me that I will eternally enjoy your comfort.
Jesus, you took the ultimate unfriendly wounding of sin and evil on the cross that I might know your kisses to be those of a Savior-Bridegroom. Help me now, I pray, with the resources of your great love, to love well in the very situations that I dread. Amen
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