A Prayer for Remembering that God Is God, Hallelujah!

     “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Ps. 46:10-11
     The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:7
     Sovereign Father, whenever I hear the command to “Be still,” my default mode takes me back to elementary school where my teachers were forever confronting my restlessness. But in this Scripture, you’re telling me to be still, not to sit still, and there’s a world and gospel of difference.
     You never get impatient or frustrated with your beloved children. But when our attention wanders and our hearts get restless, you notice and you care. I praise you for your presence and engagement, loving-kindness and great compassion, Father. I know that you’re with me and for me. I know this because of everything you’ve done for us in Jesus. The gospel is an unmovable anchor for our souls. You’re a fortress of comfort for broken people like Jacob and me; you’re a haven of rest, a strong tower of grace.
     Stillness is such a gift of grace and kiss of mercy. When I’m still I remember that you are God and nothing and no one else is. That’s the best news of this or any day. Father, you have no competition—counterfeits, but no competition. There are demigods, semi-gods, wannabe gods, but only you are God.
     Kings and nations are not God, for one day you will be exalted among all the nations. The nations are like droplets in your bucket. Storms and environmental disasters are not God, for you will be exalted in the earth. You send the earthquake and harness the hurricane for your purposes.
     Neither are my circumstances God, nor the opinions of others—their flattery or their criticism; nor is getting older, nor the choices of people I love, the mistakes I make and the sins I commit. In fact, the second most comforting news of the day is that I am not God, though at times my attitude, prayerlessness, and unbelief would indicate a measure of self-worship.
     Father, be exalted in the daily-ness of my today. Let us see your hand and heart at work in everything. You are working all things together after the counsel of your will. You are working in all things for the good of those who love you, and that includes me. I probably won’t sit still very much today, but because the gospel is true, I will be still. With palms up in surrender and praise, I enter this day grateful and centered. So very Amen I pray, in Jesus’ excellent and exalted name.
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