Find Rest – “Rest in God alone, O my soul.” Ps. 62:5
Lord Jesus, the rest you give us doesn’t depend on circumstances, people, or anything changing. It’s not tied to the economy, politics, or the pandemic.
In you, we are forgiven, righteous, and beloved. By you, we have a present peace, eternal perspective, and a glorious forever. Thank you! Make these priceless gifts palpably real and powerfully encouraging to us this weekend.
Savor Hope – “Hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts…” Rom. 5:5
We have experienced many disappointments in the past year. But there is one hope we can fully count on, risk trusting, and savor like the finest meal. Our Father will complete his good work in us. You are working in all things for our good, and you will finish making all things new. In this very moment, our Father loves us as much as he loves you. What more do we really need, Jesus?
Give Grace – “Love each other. Just as I have loved you.” Jn. 13:34-35
In these challenging, emotionally exhausting months, it’s been easy to indulge our bad attitudes; think with our fears rather than our faith; and use our words to hurt, rather than help and heal people we love. Jesus, forgive us.
Oh, how you love us… humble by your Spirit, gentle by the Gospel, and free us to be generous with your grace all weekend long. So very Amen we pray, in your kind and Kingly name.