Everything Beautiful, Bodacious, and Unbreakable

In keeping with God’s promise, we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells” (2Pet.3:13). It will be an eternity of perfect everything, redeemed pain, and all things beautiful and unbreakable. “He (Jesus) who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” (Rev.21:5)


Lord Jesus, as someone who is “directionally impaired,” I’m grateful to live in the era of cars having digital-screen maps and calm voices to direct us to our desired destinations. But 10,000 times over, I’m grateful today for your calming voice in the Scriptures, and for the riches of the Gospel today.

The Scriptures reveal the stunning future you have guaranteed for us as your beloved people, and the Gospel guarantees will not miss out. When you return, Jesus, you will usher in “the new heaven and new earth.” It will be the best of the Garden of Eden, but so much more. If Eden was a “glory-bud,” the new heaven and new earth will be a worldwide “grace-garden.” There will be no more death and dying, only living and thriving.

This very earth—not a re-do or replacement earth, will be filled with your glory. Familiar places will still be there, but empty of every evidence of sin and death. Your every-nation Bride will be complete, gathered, and glorified. Each of us will be made perfect in love, and will be as much like you as glorified creatures can be. We will finally love you, and each other, as much as you love us. Hallelujah! Hasten the Day, Lord!

Until then, Jesus, keep reeling in our wandering and forgetful hearts. May our living hope propel us into patient, expectant, intentional missional living and loving. So Very Amen.

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