Gentle Us, Jesus

Your gentleness made me great” (Ps.18:35). “A gentle and quiet spirit is very precious in God’s sight, and has imperishable beauty.” (1Pet. 3:4) “We (the Apostle Paul and his companions) were gentle among you, like a nursing mother…” (1Thess. 2:7). “Learn from me, for I (Jesus) am gentle and humble in heart. I will give you rest.” (Matt.11:29).


Lord Jesus, as with all the Scriptures, these passages immediately make us think of you. And every time we orient our hearts towards you, you greet us, grace us, and grant us the perspective we need. Thank you. Here’s what we crave.

As we begin this weekend, gentle us and give us the rest you promise, Jesus. At a time when many are fear-full, thinned-skinned, and easily triggered, grant us the calming power of a non-anxious, fresh-hope Spirit. If we could hear you praying for us (John 17), see you joyfully ruling from heaven’s throne (Rev.4), and know for certain how you are working in all things for our good (Rom.8:28) … we would sleep better and longer, and love more boldly and tenderly.

Jesus, as you spoke this world into existence, so speak quietness, peace, and caring deep into our hearts. Liberate us for your glory and our tongues for your praise. We know we’re not as free as you intend, joyful as you pray, or trusting as you deserve. So, by the power of your Spirit and the riches of your grace, do a fresh work in our hearts. May “your gentleness make us great” (Ps.18:35)—not great as in impressive to people, but great as in impactful for your glory. So Very Amen


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