The Harm-Empty World We Crave

The wolf will live with the lamb,

the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them… They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Isa. 11:6–9  

     Lord Jesus, more than ever, we crave and cry out for the world Isaiah describes in this passage. We are so ready for all enmity, strife, and violence to give way to wolves frolicking with lambs, leopards and goats napping together, cows and bears lunching together—rather than having one another for lunch. The Day when playfulness will replace stalking, and carnivores will become herbivores—when Eden won’t be a distant memory, but a forever reality. 

     But as much as we love the vision of peace in the animal kingdom, Jesus, we long a gazillion times more for the Day when we two-legged image-bearers of God will never again harm one other. Political parties will be replaced with actual parties. No one will be used or sold, only welcomed and cherished. There won’t be any more spite, fight, or flight—no more selfishness, racism, or tribalism. 

     Indeed, hasten the forever when God’s glory will cover the earth like salt water covers the oceans of the world; the Day when knowing the Lord won’t be something we do, but who we are; the Day when we will finally and fully love one another as you love us, Jesus. 

     Until then, keep us groaning and growing in grace, Lord. Grant us quick repentances, softer hearts, and a passion for reconciliation. May the world recognize us as your disciples by the way we love one another. You have come, and you’re coming again, Jesus. Life between your Advents is good, but sometimes very hard. How long, O Lord? So very Amen we pray, in your triumphant and tender name. 


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