Heart-Filled or Landfill Living?

God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns” (Phil.1:6). “God works in you, both to will and accomplish his good pleasure” (Phil.2:13).


Heavenly Father, thank you… let’s just start there today. Because of what you have done for us in Jesus, we are free from the burdens of deserving and earning, boasting and fearing, putting a smile on your face and keeping a frown off of it. This doesn’t mean you are indifferent about what we do and how we live; it means you take what Jesus has done and count it as ours.

And thank you for the work you are doing inside of us. You give us the desire, will, and means for living and loving to your glory. Hallelujah. We’re not passive robots, but your beloved children. You already love us as much as you love Jesus, and one glorious Day, you will finish making us like him. Thank you, Abba.

How can we keep from singing? How can we keep from offering you whole- hearted worship, and the obedience of faith and love? Failure to do so is pure insanity, foolishness without comparison, and off-the-charts ingratitude. That’s not a pretty list.

Father, because of the rest you have given us in the Gospel, we want the rest of of our days to be marked by “Gospel risks” and faith expressing itself in love. We’ve spent enough time living for people’s approval, taking things way too personally, and acquiring stuff that will only end up in a landfill. So Very Amen.


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