How Big Is the Gospel? How Alive Are We to Its Riches?

The gospel IS bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world—just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace.” Col.1:6


Heavenly Father, thank you for a new day, new mercies, and an old verse that frames all of life and history. The Gospel continues to bear fruit and grow “throughout the whole world”—in Ireland, Istanbul, Iraq, Indonesia, Iceland, Iran, India and every other place beginning with every other letter in the alphabet. We don’t exaggerate when we sing, “This Is My Father’s World”—all of it.

There’s no greater power guaranteeing the most glorious imaginable than the Gospel of your grace. And 52 years + 5 days into our marriage, when people ask, “How have you guys stayed together that long, and still really seem to enjoy each other?”, the answer is the same. The Gospel is the only reason and answer. Your grace continues to humble, re-center, convict, gentle, and gladden our hearts. You began a work in all creation and in our hearts that you will finish. It’s not always easy, but it’s always better than any other story we could write.

Indeed, Father, to “truly understand your grace” isn’t merely to gain helpful insight. It’s essential reality, the greatest privilege, the treasure of all treasures, the “summum bonum” of life—the one thing alone worthy of the phrase, “This changes everything.” Continue to deepen and broaden, nourish and flourish our knowledge and experience of the Gospel of your grace. So Very Amen.


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