Jesus, Teach Us How To …

Once Jesus was in a certain place praying. As he finished, one of his disciples came to him and said, “Lord, teach us to pray…’” (Luke.11:1).


Lord Jesus, when your disciples asked you about prayer, you didn’t miss a beat. You gave them what we now call “the Lord’s Prayer”—not just words worth memorizing, but a whole new way of life shaped by the Gospel. Thank you, very much. Now, here’s some more things we need help with.


Jesus, teach how to …

How to remember the Gospel 10 times better than other’s sins.

How to pray down your grace when we really want to call down fire.

How to hope with patience rather than stress with fear.

How to separate our old wounds from our fresh hurts.

How to laugh again—be spontaneous, childlike, and fun.

How to listen more carefully before we react harshly.

How to see the occupied throne more clearly than we ever have.

How to grieve and lament, rather than sulk and blame.

How to be more curious than critical—more kind than rigid.

How to cast our cares on you and not take them back.

How to love “repeat offenders” rather than just be offended.

How to be more concerned about what others hear, not just what we say.

How to smell the grass of the new earth, not just the stink in our world.

How to be still and know that you are God. Thank you, Jesus. So Very Amen.

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