Less Venting and More “Gospel-Ventilation”

Love isn’t irritable” (1Cor.13:5). “Fools show their annoyance at once…” (Prov.12:16). “A fool vents his spirit quickly, but a wise man knows how to “ventilate” (Prov.29:11). “Don’t lose your temper, it only leads to harm” (Ps.37:8). “Jesus’ servant mustn’t be quarrelsome, but kind … patient with difficult peopleand challenging circumstances (2Tim2:24).


Dear Jesus, these Scriptures make me treasure the gift of daily mercies all the more. This side of glorification, I don’t really expect to be irritation or annoyance free; but I’d love to be slower to react and quicker to “chillax”—slower to vent, and better at Gospel-ventilation. I have never once—in 75 years of life, said to myself, “Man, I am so glad I flew off the handle like that. I have finally mastered the art of being easily offended, snippy, and being fluent in spite-speak.” Nope, I’ve never given myself that kind of self-congratulation … thankfully so.

Jesus, gentle and center me and my friends—over and over and over. Though it’s easy to do, none of us actually wants to keep a record of bothersome things done around us or to us. In our most Gospel-sane moments, none of us thinks it’s a good idea to replay every uncaring, grating, thoughtless thing done or said to us. In fact, Jesus, help us be far more aware of when we’re the ones being annoying and provoking to others.

Life is too short for short fuses. People’s spirits are too precious for spirit-crushing (Prov.18:14). Your grace is too free and too abundant for us to be stingy with overlooking, patience, and forgiveness. Given the choice—and you have given us the choice, we’d far rather be kind than quarrelsome (2Tim.2:24). So Very Amen.

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