The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech, and night-to-night reveals knowledge. Ps. 19:1-2
Heavenly Father, one of the upsides of several weeks of “virus-life” has been the gift of long walks and creation-engagement. Birds are singing louder, green seems greener, and the sky appears more Carolina blue than ever.
As King David wrote in Psalm 19, if we have ears to hear, nature declares your glory, all the time and everywhere. It’s a visual kaleidoscope, an auditory megaphone, an aromatic smorgasbord of delights. How can anyone, with any degree of sensual-wiring, ponder creation and not worship you?
Father, thank you for the sonic-symphony of waves crashing on the beaches of the world. Bless you for imagining into existence the Swiss Alps—with their knee-buckling wonder and heavens-reaching majesty. Personally, I believe you hand paint every Brook, Brown, and Rainbow Trout; and you decorate our fowl friends with breath-taking feather-artistry.
You get the credit for the permanent grin on a dolphin’s face, the aroma of whole-wheat bread fixing to exit the oven, and the savor-able delight of good chocolate. You gave the magic of melody to The Beatles, the wonder of symphony to Bach, and the gift of harmony to the Beach Boys. All of us, who linger at sunrises and sunsets, owe you an unpayable debt of love.
Topping it all, not content just to be a magnificent Creator, you choose to be a merciful Redeemer. You gave Jesus to us, and for us. Hallelujah, for the immeasurable riches of the Gospel. Father, ramp up our sensual awareness. May we hear you speaking louder than ever to us, in the things you have made and in the One you have sent. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ mighty and merciful name.