One Thing Matters Among a Gazillion Lesser Things

Mary treasured and pondered that she would give birth to Jesus(Lk.2:19). Martha fretted and vexed about supper details for Jesus (Lk.10:40). Jesus declares to each of us, “Only one thing matters. Choose well.” (Lk.10:41)


   Lord Jesus, choosing between being worried and upset over hospitality details, and treasuring and pondering who you are shouldn’t be that difficult for us. But it often is. There is so much more of your beauty, goodness, and truth for us to behold and savor. And yet there are many things that make aggravation easier than adoration.

We don’t know if Christmas 2024 will feel more like a Hallmark Christmas movie, “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,” “It’s a Wonderful Life,” “The Muppet Christmas Carol,” or “Die Hard.” But with our gaze transfixed on you and our hearts drinking in your beauty, we will see your heart and hand do more than we can ask or imagine.

From eternity through your incarnation—and right now from your position atop your throne of grace—you are near the brokenhearted, patient with the pig-headed, and gentle with the worry-weary. Hallelujah, and thank you.

Good Samaritans and bad characters, lepers and liars, tax collectors up a tree (Zacchaeus) and Pharisees in the dark (Nicodemus), “bruised reeds” (Isa.42:3) and “sons of thunder” (Mk.3:17)—you pursue, desire, and welcome each of us.

Jesus, you are the “one thing” that really matters—the only treasure worth treasuring, more ponder-worthy than anything else—the only Savior, period. We choose you because you first chose us. We love you because you first loved us. We would delight in you more fully, because you fully delight in us right now. Hallelujah and So Very Amen.

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