Quietness and Trust > Anger and Blame

  “In returning, repentance, and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and trust you will find strength”—not in riding away on fast horses. “The Lord longs to be gracious to you… wait for him.” (Isa.3:15-18) “Those wait upon the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” (Isa.40:31).


Heavenly Father, thank you. These Scriptures land on our hearts today like a kiss from heaven—not merely as a great teaching or important reminder. A kiss is a relational category, and your affection for us is incomparable, limitless, and always timely. We don’t need insights, we need you. We don’t need to be coached, we need your compassion.

Weariness can do a number on us. Spiritual, emotional, and mental exhaustion lead us to make choices we always regret. We run aimlessly to salvation-less saviors and anesthetics to numb us. Yet you bid us come boldly to the throne of grace, to receive need-shaped mercy and grace (Heb.4:15)—for you “long to be to gracious to us.” Abba, thank you for your unrelenting, pursuing, kind heart.

We aren’t facing the enemies Israel confronted in Isaiah’s day. The Assyrian and Babylonian armies aren’t on the horizon of our neighborhoods. But “the roaring lion is prowling” close by (1Pet.5:8). Our fears lie to us and our pain demands relief. Blame and anger come easier than quietness and trust… So Abba…

Right now in this very moment—with your mercy in view and our eyes fixed on Jesus, we return, repent, and rest. We don’t need to soar high like eagles; we’ll settle for your Spirit descending on us, bringing dove-like peace (Lk.3:21-22). Abba, be gracious to us today through your Word, Jesus’ intercession, your Spirit’s sovereign work, the ministry of angels (Heb.1:14), praying, encouraging friends… however you choose. So Very Amen.



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