Savoring, Not Speeding Our Way through December 2024

  You bringing the good news to Jerusalem (and to the hearts of believers), do so with a shout! Don’t be afraid, but boldly proclaim, “Here is your God! The Sovereign Lord comes with power and rules with a mighty arm. He tends his flock like a shepherd, gathering his lambs into his arms and carrying them close to his heart.” Isa. 40:9-11


Lord Jesus, how can it possibly be December 1st already? All month long, please fuel our wonder and enflame our hearts with yourself. Take us “further up and further in”—slower and deeper into your truth, goodness, and beauty. We want to savor (not speed) our way through the coming weeks and treasured Scriptures about your two comings. Like this one…

Isaiah saw your coming as the arrival of our promised King—yet with images of shocking tenderness and deep affection. To be tended as vulnerable lambs, carried close to your heart all the way Home—what more could we possibly desire? Help us with our unbelief, Jesus.

This is who you are as our Good Shepherd December 1, 2024. But your journey from heaven took you first to the cradle, then to cross, on to the crown you now wear as you ruler of heaven and earth. Our journey into your arms took us through embracing you as the Lamb of God—the sacrifice for our sins, that we might know you as our loving Shepherd and perfect King. Hallelujah for the Gospel!

Jesus, we take Isaiah’s charge seriously. We too can shout with fearless joy because of who you are and what you have done for us. We know these things, the story, Christmas songs, and the rest. Heck, some of us already have our Nativity sets up. But, Jesus, help us KNOW them with fresh power, wonder, and adoring love. So Very Amen.


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