The “Grace-ness” of God’s Grace

Heavenly Father, hallelujah for the Gospel! Hallelujah for your patience and kindness with us. Hallelujah for the “grace-ness” of your grace. We’re just like the first recipients of Paul’s letter to the Romans. We constantly need to be reminded of how we became, remain, and will enter heaven as your children—all by your free, sovereign, and “Amazing Grace.”

   I have kept for myself . . .”—how we love the ring and glory of these words. As in the days before, during, and long after Elijah—you have reserved, are redeeming, and will preserve a much-loved people for yourself.

Some of us have Israeli passports, but most don’t. In fact, no nation or people group will be excluded from your eternal family—so great is the riches and reach of your grace. As for the size of your “reserved remnant”—why do we think “tiny” when the Scriptures declare “massive”? The Apostle John got a faith-glimpse of this “remnant” and his description is thrilling and hope fueling:

“I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb… shouting with a great roar, ‘Salvation comes from our God who sits on the throne and from the Lamb!’” (Rev.7:9-10).

Abba, we’re in “shouting mode” today too: Hallelujah for the Gospel! Hallelujah for saving, sustaining, “sane-ing,” all-cosmos-transforming grace! Hallelujah and So VERY Amen!


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