“Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given” (John 1:16). “Grace in all its forms…” (1 Pet. 4:10). “There is no more disgrace for you” (Isa. 54:4).
Lord Jesus, it seems too good to be true, too lofty to be ours, too outside of our life-lanes. We’re no longer subject to disgrace, faux-grace, non-grace, or anti-grace. There’s just grace—everything you’ve done for us—not just as helpless ones, but also as ill-deserving ones. Lest we forget…
Saving Grace: From beginning to end, our salvation is by you, Jesus, and for your glory. We only brought our need to the “salvation table,” but you covered the table with the gifts of your “righteousness, holiness, and redemption.” (1Cor. 1:30).
Sane-ing Grace: Every day is a return to Gospel-sanity—remembering who you are, Jesus, and who we are in you… regaining the perspective of eternity and the values of heaven.
Sustaining Grace: Not just grace to “get by,” but the resources to live and love to your glory, Jesus. The grace of knowing you will hold us fast, for our “grasp” is slow and weak.
Sanctifying Grace: Your grace won’t just get us into heaven one day, Jesus, The riches of grace are also getting more of you into us—making us more like each and every day.
Sufficient Grace: And for those episodic crises, the out-of-nowhere tragedies, seasons of despair and stretches of pain, you give us sufficient grace—not mere “get-by” grace, but grace perfectly shaped for the stuff we’d probably not choose to write into our own stories. Jesus, thank you. You can be trusted. You are worthy of our love. So Very Amen.