“Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.” (Ps.62:5)
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt.11:28)
Jesus, you know everything about us—our beauty and our brokenness. Including our weariness, heartaches, and burdens. Though we’re tempted to minimize or maximize, blame or excuse, wilt and withdraw—but you’ll have none of it. Thank you.
You don’t want us to try harder, but to try trusting—to stop resisting your firm resolve to make us lie down in green pastures. Where can green pastures of restoration and refreshment be found? Anywhere you are, Jesus, anywhere you grow the grass of your kindness, grace, and loving heart.
Sometimes that looks like a few burden bearing friends, whose welcome and prayers become a meadow of your mercy. Sometimes it happens while we’re sitting in the same chair—but we travel light-years from abiding in resentment to a fresh abiding in your love. Sometimes we find the green pastures of your rest and kindness, quite literally, in actual green pastures of nature, creation, and beauty. Jesus, take us to green pastures of our choosing—even today. What are our rest-needs?
Rest from giving people more power over our hearts than we give you, Jesus.
Rest from taking on more than you intend—physically, spiritually, emotionally.
Rest from over-thinking situations and from under-believing the Gospel.
Rest from thinking people have to change before we can be at peace and happy.
Rest from looking more at our fears and “what if’s?” than your occupied throne.
Jesus, we gladly exchange our “heavy-laden-ness” for your rest, peace, and freedom. Though we resist, keep making us lie down in green pastures of your choosing. So Very Amen.