A Week for Gentleness, Kindness, and Good Words

     A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

     The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouths of fools pour out folly. Prov. 15:1-2

Lord Jesus, as with all the Scriptures, this passage makes us think of you. There’s no one more filled with kindness and gentle answers than you. Your heart and words are always loving, healing, and freeing. Even your rebukes are life-giving.

When we rush into your presence with demands dressed up like questions, and clenched fists rather than raised hands, you always greet us and grace us. You’re not only merciful with “bruised reeds and smoldering wicks,” you’re altogether compassionate when, like Jonah, we’re pouty and self-absorbed. We are so grateful, Lord.

You’re firm with us but never harsh; engaged, but never exasperated; unyielding, but never overbearing. When we ignore your wooing’s and warnings, we reveal how little of your beauty we are seeing in the moment.

In our most gospel-sane moments, we offer you humility, submission, and adoration. Continue to show us where we’re not as free as you intend, or as joyful as you pray, or as loving as we’ll be one Day.

Jesus, as we begin another work-week, may your Spirit empower us with gentleness, kindness, and good words for others. As you spoke this world into existence, so speak beauty, quiet, and caring deep into our souls. Liberate us for your glory, and our tongues for your praise. So very Amen we pray, in your ever-so-glorious name.

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