“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love” (Ps.51:1)
Never worry about being a “prayer warrior,” just pray—directing your cry, need, praise, fear, and thanks to Abba, himself. Some of the most powerful prayers in the Bible and life are just a few words long. “Help me.” (Ps.119:86), “Lord, save me.” (Matt.14:30), “How long, O Lord?” (Ps.13:1).
I offer a few examples today, which may springboard you into longer prayers, but “praying without ceasing” often looks like multiplied short prayers throughout the day, not just protracted longer seasons. Get in the habit of praying about everything.
Father of mercies and God of all comfort—be both of those to me in the coming hours. I’m not sure if I’m more sad or mad. My fears are stronger than my faith. Hold me. Help me. Center and settle me. Thanks!
Facing a Decision
Abba, I have to decide sooner than I had hoped. I feel less certain than ever about what’s best. Open a door I can’t shut, and shut doors I can’t pry open. Guide my steps.
Jesus, grab the hearts of my children. Make your grace irresistible to them. More than anything else, I want my kids to know you, love you, and serve you.
Dear Jesus, thank you for being my righteousness, not my life coach. Thank you for putting an end to earning and posing as my way of life. Thank you for my friends, sourdough bread, the sounds of waves and the music of Motown. Amen!
Father, please intervene in our marriage. I feel lonely, mad, and hopeless—but I’m not throwing rocks. I want to run away, but I choose to run to you. Please help us. Humble me, gentle me, grace both of us.
Jesus, more than being out of this mess and wanting “streets of gold”—I want to be with you and be like you. Fill my senses with a vision, the aroma, and sounds of life the new heaven and new earth. Make the assurance of heaven a joy I can’t contain—one that will spill over into to today’s challenges and my relationships. So Very Amen.