Reflecting Christ’s Light

“The light is among you for a little while longer.”
– Jesus to the crowd (John 12:35)

As the sun went down upon His earthly ministry, Jesus publicly predicted His death and resurrection. Sometimes, he spoke subtly, claiming that “the light was among men for just a little while longer.” His time on earth was coming to a close, when His physical presence on earth as Light would no longer be visible.

Christ’s light continues to shine today through his people. We are the Light of the world, as Jesus told us, but the light that is in us does not come from ourselves or our deeds, no matter how holy and righteous we may think ourselves to be.

The luster of our lives is Christ shining His way, His truth, and His life through us. Like the moon reflects the light of the sun back to a dark world, we too reflect the light of Christ to a world of people in darkness.

Jesus’ statement about the brevity of the remaining light of His earthly work applies to each of our lives as well. The light that Jesus shines through our earthly ministry is for just a little while. Time is short, and life is shorter. We must make the most of every opportunity, living each moment to let our light shine before others… while we can.

That’s the way Christ lived while on earth. Even as He approached His suffering and death on the cross, during His final week, He continued to speak truth and be light to a dark world.

Think about your life. Are you reflecting the glory of God in your relationships? Your family? Your ministry? Your vocation?

How much light does your life give forth? Are you using the opportunities that God has given you to shine Christ wherever you go?

Allow yourself to be a lantern in this world, through which Christ can shine His light.

written by Trevin Wax  © 2008 Kingdom People blog

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