Iain Duguid on Teaching Ezekiel

Iain Duguid on Teaching Ezekiel

Nancy Guthrie interviews Iain Duguid

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There are many, many books of the Bible I’d like to discuss with Iain Duguid, professor of Old Testament and dean of online learning at Westminster Theological Seminary. So choosing from among the books of the Bible I hadn’t yet done a podcast episode on was hard for me. But not for him. “I’m always happy to talk about Ezekiel,” he wrote, “since the answer to every question in the Bible is found there.” Now that’s interesting.

Before working through our conversation on Ezekiel, he told me about the new online degree program being launched this fall at Westminster—an MA in Christian studies—aimed at laypeople who want to learn more about Scripture. Then he provided insight into the person of Ezekiel, the visions of Ezekiel, the organization of Ezekiel, and, most profoundly, the hope found in Ezekiel that we must present when teaching this unique book.

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