In this episode of Help Me Teach the Bible, I talk with Michael Lawrence, senior pastor of Hinson Baptist Church in Portland, Oregon, or “the ends of the earth” as Lawrence calls it in context of the book of Acts. In this episode you’ll not only hear the sounds of a church office building under construction, you’ll also hear about how God is going about building his church as recorded in the book of Acts. Topics include:
- epic moments in redemptive history in Acts
- Acts as part two of Luke’s Gospel
- the main character of the book of Acts
- the structure of the book of Acts
- the cinematic sweep of Acts
- the Spirit falls on unexpected people
- questions about tongues
- sermons in the book of Acts
- implications and applications of the crucifixion and resurrection
- whether the early church is a model for the church today
- resources for teaching Acts.
Here are some additional audio resources that you may find helpful in preparing to teach Acts:
For further study, here are some books you may find helpful, including titles from Crossway, the sponsor of Help Me Teach the Bible:
- Perspectives on Pentecost by Richard Gaffin
- The Spirit, the Church, and the World: The Message of Acts by John R.W. Stott
- The Acts of the Apostles, Pillar New Testament Commentary by David Peterson
- Acts, Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament by Darrell Bock
- The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus by Alan J. Thompson
- Acts: The Church Afire, Preaching the Word Commentary series by R. Kent Hughes
- Acts, The St. Andrews Expositional Commentary by R. C. Sproul
- Acts: A 12-Week Study by Justin Holcomb
Subscribe to TGC’s podcast in iTunes or for other devices to get this and subsequent interviews in Help Me Teach the Bible with Nancy Guthrie. You can also download the interview here or stream it above.