What Did Paul Mean by ‘I Do Not Permit a Woman to Teach’?

What Did Paul Mean by ‘I Do Not Permit a Woman to Teach’?

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In this episode of TGC Q&A, Tim Keller and Don Carson address the question, “What did Paul mean by ‘I do not permit a woman to teach’?” They discuss:

Explore more from TGC on this topic:

Should Women Preach in Our Churches?

Pastors Need Women Teachers (and Vice Versa)

Why Is TGC Complementarian?

Editors’ note: 

This episode of TGC Q&A is brought to you by Operation Christmas Child. National Collection Week is November 16 through 23. Visit SamaritansPurse.org/OCC to learn how gift-filled shoeboxes will result in evangelism and discipleship for millions of children this year.

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