Jen Wilkin on Reclaiming Sunday School for a New Generation

Jen Wilkin 2019
Jen Wilkin on Reclaiming Sunday School for a New Generation

Jen Wilkin on Reclaiming Christian Education in the Local Church

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“Our highest stated value for many of us in our churches has been community—trying to address this epidemic of loneliness that we see in our society. Many churches have said, ‘Our number-one stated goal is for you to live life with one another.’ But where we can end up with that is with a pendulum swing that renders our churches well-connected communities of biblically and doctrinally illiterate believers.” — Jen Wilkin

Date: April 2, 2019

Event: TGC 2019 National Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana

Listen to this episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast.

Find more audio and video from the 2019 National Conference on the conference media page.

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