Let the Lord’s Prayer Change You

Let the Lord’s Prayer Change You

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In his message from TGC Chicago’s 2022 regional conference, Colin Smith draws from Luke 11, where Jesus’s disciples request he teach them to pray, not how to pray. Smith shows us how to pray the Lord’s Prayer through five categories:

1. God’s name should be honored in prayer. Pray that God would raise up people who know him amid a world that despises him.

2. As you pray for God’s kingdom to come, ask that our lives be more fully submitted to Christ and that Jesus would defeat his enemies on earth.

3. Pray for others whose needs are greater than our own—this stirs up Christlike compassion in our hearts as we fully depend on God at every step of his provision.

4. Pray for forgiveness, not because we haven’t already been forgiven but to restore fellowship with God. As Christians, we should want to walk as closely as possible with God.

5. Pray to be watchful and prayerful so as to not be overwhelmed by temptation.

As we more fully know the love of the Father, we’ll desire to earnestly seek him in prayer.

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