Toward a Gospel-Shaped Church Culture in Latin America

Bible-based, gospel-centered, Jesus-exalting church culture. Perhaps you’re used to hearing about (and hopefully seeing) that sort of thing. Not so for many in Latin America. In a new roundtable video, Juan Sanchez, Miguel Núñez, and Carlos Conteras discuss the need for such an environment in Latino local churches. “Though it may sound cliché, we cannot underestimate the danger of assuming the gospel,” contends Sanchez, pastor of High Pointe Baptist Church in Austin, Texas.

Whether in exchange for moralistic civil religion or unbridled pragmatism, assuming the gospel has always led to losing it. In addition to preserving the gospel’s clarity, adds Contreras, pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Juárez, Mexico, Latin American believers must fight to trust its power.

Indeed, observes Núñez, a new TGC Council member, as “the image of God becomes smaller and the image of man becomes larger in our own minds,” the more tempted we’ll be to rely on our own understanding and effort rather than on God’s wisdom.

Cultivating “a biblical mind” is a particularly pressing need in a Latin American culture that often tends toward emotion. “Emotion is not bad,” Sanchez explains, but emotion “fired up by something other than truth” most certainly is.

Watch the full seven-minute video to hear these pastors discuss misguided passion, letting the gospel do its thing, and more. You can find more resources on gospel-centered ministry in the Latin American context at the TGC Spanish site, Coalición por el Evangelio.

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